Vector Clipart Images

Vector Clipart Images for Schools, Teams, and Printers

• Sports Clipart

Sports Clipart

Sports Clipart Images

We have a large collection of great clip art images for most of the major sports. These vector images come in a variety of different styles including cartoons, graphics, and background designs.

Browse all of our Sports Clipart Images

or Use the Search Bar (at the top of the page)

• School Mascots

Gator LogoSchool and Team Mascots

Team Mascots in a variety of sports poses or just graphic mascot images. All of these images are easy to incorporate with text to make a great team logo or t-shirt.

Browse all of our School Mascots

Browse by Mascot (below) or Use the Search Bar (at the top of the page)

• Team Name Graphics

Bandits LogosTeam Logos

These team logos come complete with the mascot and the team text incorporated for you.  Ready to go team logos for t-shirts, banners, stickers and more.

Browse all of our Team Logos

or Use the Search Bar (at the top of the page)

Everything you need for a fabulous mascot or team logo!

Team Mascots, Sports Designs, Team Logos and more! All Images in Vector Format. Easy to edit colors and add to text and designs. Strong outlines and solid clean shapes allow for beautifully printed shirts, stickers, banners and more. Our vector clipart images download as Adobe Illustrator 8 Eps which allow for quick editing. These images are designed for printers and can be added to text to create unique and appealing final logos and designs.


School & Team Mascots

• Warriors

Chief ClipartWarrior Mascots


SpartansTrojansVikingsTitansPirates • Cowboys IndiansChiefs

Braves •  Patriots • BanditsDevilsDemonsKnightsWizardsWarriors


We have team and school mascots in sports poses or just as stand alone logos.

Add text and other elements to make a great looking t-shirt or team logo.

• Big Cats

Cougar MascotTigers, Lion, and more!




Our most popular category or team mascots.

Vector clipart images which are easy to edit and quickly change the colors.

• Raptors

Falcon MascotRaptors of all kinds.




High quality vector clipart mascots in an easy to edit format.

• Dogs and Other Animals

Bulldog ClipartBulldogs, Broncos and other Wild Animals




We have great images for all of the most popular team mascots!

• Reptiles, Fish, and Insects

Hornet MascotVipers, Sharks, Bees and More.




High quality vector clipart mascots in an easy to edit format.

• Skulls, Storms and Misc.

Skull ClipartSkulls, Skeletons and other Mascots




Vector Clip Art images ready to use.



We have a large assortment of team and school mascots in all sorts of animals, warriors, and themes. All of the most popular mascots are available in multiple poses and styles. Almost every one of our vector clipart mascot images can be ruduced down to line art and can be printed in as few as 1 color. Combine any of our team mascot images with your own text to quickly create an amazing team logo for your club or school.


Sports Clipart Images

Sport Images

Volleyball ClipartSports Clip Art Images

High Quality vector clip art images perfect for your school, club, or team.





Our sports clipart images are designed specifically to be incorporated into final designs and work great with text and design elements. Quickly put together an incredible design by using our easy to edit sports clipart images, fonts, and design elements.

